KEVIN GILSDORF / Kindle Point Inc.



​Creating bold messages across a marketing mix has been my focus since 1994, digital included. With the right core insights and ideas the tactics fall into place. Add some creative charm and the target pays attention. What I've included within my portfolio revolves around the one exploit I'm most passionate about, innovation... innovation in behavioral change, product development and test marketing. It's the act of innovation I love most of all as a creative. I'm seeking the next brand willing to surpass what's expected.


Years ago I learned that going fast in a forward direction stimulates the brain into accessing creative ideas. If you get great ideas in the shower, it’s probably because the moving water aids the mind's creative activity. This is probably why vacations are actually great for my occupational output on a few levels. I enjoy most activities that involve a level of speed and adventure: Skiing, mountain biking, driving, tubing, etc. ​


For years, I’ve always enjoyed visual storytelling through photography, mostly as a hobby. I enjoy taking wilderness shots in Northern Minnesota, Utah and Wyoming and I have also shot some photography for sports teams, Quaker and McDonald’s semi-professionally. ​

​And far from last, family and friends

At the end of the day, there is a level of inspiration missed without a great group of people around you.  What's better than an intelligent conversation, perhaps over coffee or lunch to gain focus?  And who challenges your thinking more than those closest to you?  I've gained many insights through discussions with young and old.

Kevin Gilsdorf | Brand Experience Specialist | Download Resume

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My path has allowed me to craft award-winning creative teams, brand strategies, process where valuable and bold messages across a marketing mix; including interactive experiences. My belief is core insights and ideas generally drive tactics, but tactics also have a way of igniting ideas, so always remain open to innovation. My portfolio involves innovation in: behavioral change, product development and test marketing.  It's the act of innovation I love most as a creative. I'm seeking the next brands willing to surpass what's expected.


Years ago, I learned, moving in a forward direction plus enjoying open spaces stimulates the brain into accessing creative ideas. If you get great ideas in the shower, it’s probably because the moving water aids the mind's creative activity. Walking along the edge of the Grand Canyon, opens the mind as well. This is probably why the outdoors are great for my occupational output on a few levels. I enjoy most activities that involve wide-open spaces and adventure: Skiing, mountain biking, driving, rowing, etc.

Check out my activity-related side-hustle at


For years, I’ve always enjoyed visual storytelling through photography, mostly as a hobby. I enjoy taking wilderness shots in Northern Minnesota, Utah and Wyoming and I have also shot some photography for sports teams, Quaker and McDonald’s semi-professionally. If you’re interested in my evolving photographic journey, don’t be shy, follow me on Instagram.

And far from last, family & friends

At the end of the day, there is a level of inspiration missed without a great group of people around you.  What's better than an intelligent conversation, perhaps over coffee or lunch to gain focus?  And who challenges your thinking more than those closest to you?  I've gained many insights through discussions with young and old.